What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third permanent molars at the back of the mouth and are the last teeth to develop. Wisdom teeth typically erupting in the late teens or early twenties. We can have up to four wisdom teeth, two in the upper jaw and two in the lower.

While some people never experience any issues, others develop problems like wisdom tooth infection or an impacted wisdom tooth, which may require extraction.

Surgical extraction of wisdom tooth

It is not uncommon for your last molar tooth (more commonly known as the wisdom tooth) to grow sideways and end up being jammed against the neighboring tooth. This could cause food trapping and lead to toothache caused by swollen gums and deep decay.

Even when it is not causing pain but is deemed to be at risk, your dentist may advise you to have them removed before it could cause any damage. At Elements Dental, rest assured that our team is there to ensure you are taken care of throughout the whole procedure and after.

Wisdone tooth removal Singapore | Elements Dental

When to have Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Not everyone will get wisdom teeth, and not everyone who does get them will need to remove them. So how do we know if we need to have our wisdom tooth removed?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt when the rest of your teeth are already in place and your jaw is almost fully developed. As a result, there is often insufficient room for the tooth to emerge. If a wisdom tooth does not have sufficient room to grow or is prevented from proper growth when it is “blocked” by the tooth in front. This is usually the case for the lower wisdom tooth. In such a case, the tooth is called an impacted wisdom tooth.

An impacted wisdom tooth may cause an unpleasant sensation of pressure at the back of the jaw. Sometimes, it may even cause pain, infection or other dental problems, as the gums around the impacted wisdom tooth may trap food and bacteria.

More importantly, an impacted wisdom tooth could cause irreversible damage and decay to the neighboring tooth due to the impacted food and bacteria. In severe cases, this may lead to the loss of the affected neighboring tooth as well.

Further discomfort may be experienced if the upper wisdom tooth bites down on the swollen gum below. Tooth decay may develop on the wisdom tooth and the back surface of the tooth in front of it. The decay may often go undetected until toothache sets in and in severe cases, the neighbouring teeth may be extracted alongside wisdom teeth removal.

Dental x-rays may identify if your wisdom teeth are impacted even before they emerge through your gum. Although they may not be causing pain or discomfort at the moment, immediate wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended for your impacted wisdom teeth to prevent future issues from arising.

Preparations for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal may be performed by a general dentist. In some situations, where the tooth is deeply impacted, is situated near a nerve or if removing it is tougher than usual, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon to have the procedure done.

While specific advice may be given prior to your wisdom tooth removal depending on your medical history, here are some general guidelines to prepare for the procedure:

Eat before the wisdom tooth surgery: During the procedure, your dentist will administer local anaesthetic to numb your jaw. This may take up to 3 hours to resolve, and you may find eating and drinking difficult during this period of time.

Brush and clean your teeth well: Keeping good oral hygiene reduces the chance of a wound infection after the surgery.

If possible, arrange for someone to take you home after the wisdom tooth surgery: Due to the local anaesthesia, some individuals may feel a little disoriented after the procedure. It will be advisable and safer to have someone bring you home.

If you smoke, try your best to stop smoking at least 3 days before the surgery: Smoking drastically slows down your mouth’s potential to heal well. Cutting down smoking prior to the surgery, it will minimises risk of infection during recovery.

Do’s and Don’ts after Wisdom Tooth Dental Extraction

After your wisdom tooth surgery, you may experience minor bleeding, which can be controlled by biting on gauze. You should also rest for the remainder of the day. You will be given up to five days of medical leave for you to recover from the procedure by your dentist. During this period, you should avoid the following:

  • Smoking for at least 3 days.
  • Spitting, as this will disturb and dislodge the blood clot.
  • Rinsing your mouth or using a mouthwash for at least 24 hours.
  • Eating hard, hot or spicy food for at least 48 hours.
  • Sucking liquid through a straw.
  • Performing strenuous exercise.

You may brush your teeth, but avoid the area of the mouth that was involved in the wisdom tooth surgery. Keeping the mouth clean encourages quicker healing. You should also use gentle warm salt water rinses regularly, starting from the day after the procedure. This helps to reduce swelling and to keep the wound clean.

Make sure to take your prescribed medications strictly following instructions. Your dentist will also prescribe antibiotics, and these may cause birth control medication(s) to be ineffective, possibly resulting in pregnancy. If you are taking any birth control medication, alternate methods should be used while on the antibiotics.

If generalized rash, itching, or other reactions occur, please contact your dentist immediately

Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Removal

When your wisdom teeth are impacted, it may cause severe discomfort and even problems to your other teeth. Having them removed can offer many other benefits as well, including:

Preventing infection or decay: As your wisdom teeth are at the far back in your mouth, oftentimes they are difficult to keep clean and can be easy to miss when brushing. This causes plaque and food particles to accumulate in the area surrounding the teeth. If this occurs for a prolonged period, both your wisdom tooth and surrounding teeth may start to decay. Removing the wisdom tooth makes it easier for you to keep the area clean and prevent infection and decay.

Preventing damage to other teeth: Wisdom teeth that erupt in a misaligned manner may push the rest of your other teeth in front out of position. This can negatively impact your bite, appearance and speech, as well as cause pain and discomfort.

Solving issues with bad breath: Due to plaque and food particle accumulation around the wisdom teeth, the gums surrounding them may become inflamed. This is especially so in the case of wisdom teeth that did not erupt properly. This may result in pain, bad breath, and swelling. In severe cases, this can be accompanied by gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

Improving oral health: When the wisdom teeth are only partially erupted, it is impossible to brush the entire tooth surface to prevent the build-up of dental plaque and tartar. If your wisdom teeth and molars are very tightly packed together or impacted, it may also be difficult to brush or slide floss in between the teeth.This can lead to dental decay down the road. Removing wisdom teeth early makes it much easier to keep teeth clean and the risk of cavities and other dental issues.

Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The cost of wisdom teeth treatment will depend on the procedure a patient undergoes. After an initial consultation and x-rays, we can determine if your procedure (extraction/surgery) is eligible for Medisave subsidies. For wisdom tooth surgeries, you may claim up to $1250.

The costs of wisdom tooth surgery vary primarily due to the complexity of the procedure, such as the position of the gum tissue, proximity to nerves and root shape of the wisdom tooth. After the initial consultation our dentists will advise you on what the best course of action is and the associated costs.

Wisdom Tooth Removal FAQs

When should I have my wisdom tooth removed?

You are advised to have your wisdom tooth extracted if it is decayed or impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth can increase the chances of gum disease and infection, and even cause tooth decay on adjacent teeth. If you feel any discomfort or pain on your wisdom tooth, make an appointment with your dentist to have it looked at.

Is it cheaper to extract my wisdom teeth at a public dental institution or private clinic?

In general, it’s cheaper to extract your wisdom teeth at a public dental clinic. However, you may have to wait a longer time for the appointment as compared to a private clinic.

Can I use Medisave for my wisdom tooth surgery?

You may use your Medisave to pay up to $1250 of the cost of your wisdom tooth surgery. Elements Dental is a Medisave-accredited dental clinic, and we will process the claims on your behalf, so you will only need to pay for the portion that is not covered by Medisave.

Can I get all my wisdom teeth removed together?

Yes, it is possible to remove all four wisdom teeth at once. However, in some cases, we may recommend removing two teeth at a time. This is because recovery from two extractions is oftentimes easier than four. Additionally, if you have any medical conditions, we may remove one side first to ensure proper healing, before proceeding to the other side. We aim to do what works best for our patients, so that the procedure is less painful and uncomfortable for you, and with fewer complications.

Will I be given a Medical Certificate for my wisdom tooth removal?

We will issue a medical certificate for 5 days after wisdom tooth removal surgery. For normal extraction (without surgery), a medical certificate for 1-2 days will be provided.